Monday, November 9, 2009


On Friday, Rick and a couple of his siblings, left to go to Portland to check on Phil and visit with him and his family. He left from Felipe's, I stayed because there was a party going on there!! We took over the back room, dang near everybody came this last Friday. Then that night, Erik, Jamie and Q came over and had a sleepover with me and Payton. I was crashed out when they came in, but Q let me know he was there. The next morning him and Payton ran and ran and ran around the backyard. Payton LOVES having Q come over. Saturday I spent the day sorting out stuff and watching football. I am SO obcessed with Christmas projects. Of course, I think of all these ideas when it is too late to get them done for this Christmas. BUT, I am going to get them all started so that they are in my face thru the year and I can work on them and finish them for NEXT year. Yesterday, Jamie called and told me that her and Q were coming over in the late afternnon and Erik was coming after work. AWESOME!! We decided to do burgers "real" hamburgers, not turkey. Jamie came thru the door with flowers and beer, brought a tear to my eye. We sat and drank and visited, I loved it!! Tonight, Tyler is coming to stay. He has a training thing going on. I am not complaining, not one bit!! I am going to cook a ham and sweet potatoe fries for dinner, stuff I can't do when Rick is home, he can't eat it. Well, off to tackle another closet!!! Thank you Erik and Jamie for this last weekend, I love you guys!!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween and More

What a fun weekend. It started out Friday night with the usual suspects at Felipe's, again nice. Then Saturday afternoon we went to Farrell's in Mission Viejo for a private opening party. I thought we were just there for dessert, but got a great lunch too. Thanks Tom and Kim, I think you hit gold with this one!! We even had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Farrell himself, such a nice man. Then that night we went to Alex and Jamie and Aiden's house to go trick or treating. Aiden really got into it after he caught up with a couple of neighbor kids he really likes. They have the best area for families. I guess there are others who think the same, because at the entrance of the neighborhood there was a drop off point for "others". On Sunday, I went to a baby shower to honor Jamie and Liam. Very nice day. I got to see members of the family that I don't get to see often enough. When I got home, Aiden was still here, so we built bugs out of Trios, great stuff. Now I have to get ready for the holidays, my favorite time of year!!!