Tuesday, September 1, 2009


School started yesterday, YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I REALLY had a great day yesterday, because I don't do the first day of school. I just had Tristan and we went to all kinds of stores. It was so nice not to have to keep telling someone to stop running, quit pushing, leave things alone, stay off the of the shelves, and pretending to be calling moms and Santa. Now, I have a LONG list of things that I want to get done, well cleaned, that I haven't been able to because of the non-stop refereeing. I have also come across a couple of quilt patterns, dangerous, that I want to try. But, I feel guilty sewing when the house is falling down around my ears. Well, now that I have just done one of the things I didn't have the time to do for a while, I better get at it. Payton is the only one who misses the kids, she has no one to play with in the mornings. TOO BAD!

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