Thursday, January 24, 2008

Not Much Happening

Well, now Alex has guitar hero. Jamie gave him a Wii for their anniversary, weeks early, that is on the 31st of this month. We WERE going to get him guitar hero for his birthday, but that is not going to happen. I guess Jamie has found her soul mate as far as not being able to wait to get or give things. Alex went out last night and bought it for himself. He is already having a blast with it. Now Aiden is going to have to fight for his DVD and TV show times. We got Jamie a sewing machine for her birthday and I know she is going to kick butt on it, she has too much creative talent bottled up inside her. Vicky had knee surgery this week and she is already up and on the go, she ALMOST drove herself home, a true pioneer woman. I want to write more, but Garin and Tristan have decided that 3 minutes to myself is way too long. Enjoy the rain!!!!!

1 comment:

Jamie B said...

LOL :)!!!! Is it raining there? right now?? XOXO