Monday, April 14, 2008

Alone At Last

Well, it is Monday morning and I have NO kids here today. It is just Payton and myself. I know I should take advantage of it and clean without having to worry about who is doing what, but nope!!! I am going to try and move one of the hutches out of my room today though. The living room looks really nice, but that is because everything is crammed into my room and the computer room. I got to see Aiden this last weekend. Alex played on Saturday and we went to the game and Aiden was there. It still kills me that there are guys playing in the MLS that Alex played with and is better than. I can't figure that out. Aiden was in full Man U uniform, too cute. On the back it says Bengard 8. He got a little golf set from Erik and Jamie for Easter and he had it with him. There he was in a soccer uniform, playing with a golf set, left handed and it was a right handed set. I LOVE watching him play. I can't wait to see him again. He is the fastest little guy I have ever seen. When he decides to go - he is gone!!!! We went to dinner after Alex's game and if Aiden got out the door ZOOM off he went. he just ran around the fountain that was there. I have seen this fountain in pictures with him. Well, I am going to get on the phone with Verizon AGAIN. We have another problem with the cable boxes. It never is easy with them.

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