Sunday, March 30, 2008

Almost Done

Thru the years I have learned never to expect things to get done completely around here. There is always things left undone after the big push to get ready for events. Rick worked thru the night a couple of times (which he wouldn't have had to do if he took a few hours off of work) and now he is in complete shutdown mode for a while. EVERY day I ask him if he will please rehook the DVD and the Tivo and I get an OK as he sits in front tof the computer playing free cell and watching Holmes on Homes for hours. I wish I was able to do it because he really did work very hard, but please just spend another couple of hours and things completely done. I hope by next weekend he will be totally rested and he can tack the baseboards on for good, they are leaning against the wall in spots, and he wants to get the spots he missed when they painted. Everything looks so good and I am so happy to have a decent looking house and furniture that didn't look like it came out of a dumpster. I have to find a real good duster type thing for the floors, I can't seem to get the right one. Well, the next big event is a shower for Christianne and Oliver. What projects can we get done for that??????? In the meantime, I can get back to my sewing. I have stacks of material and a list of blankets I want to make. I even get to make the bedspread for Aidens new big boy bed, I am so excited!!!!

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