Monday, December 22, 2008

Raining Again

I usually don't have any time lately to do this blog, but Ayden Kisa is busy playing with the legos here is the computer room, so here I am. I am sure all of you that read this are just as busy as I am, not a surprise this time of year. It is raining outside so that means kids and dog are all in the house for the whole day, makes for a VERY long day. Both are used to running forever outside. I got to babysit Aiden this last weekend, so excited. We did all the fun things that Nanas and grandsons are supposed to do, ie,play toss Aidens underwear back and forth for a half hour. Papa slept the whole time, so I got all the special time. We had lunch together, all of us, then Aiden had to take a nap and Mrs. Claus had to start wrapping gifts. I really didn't have any ideas this year, so bummed. We are looking forward to Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. We will be going to the Cacavale's for Christmas Eve, a tradition that started a couple of years back. Payton will get to go and run with Rook if it is not raining. Then Christmas Day I am having dinner. I really need to get to the store and get going on that. Thanksgiving was just a few weeks ago and it is hard to get excited to do all of it all over again so soon, but I don't mind, it is worth it to have my boys and spouses and future spouses here with me. That is really all I need for Christmas, just my family here and safe. If you are reading this before Christmas, please have a great Christmas, if after HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!

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