Saturday, March 7, 2009

So Excited!!

Yesterday was my birthday and it was GREAT!! I got a lot of phone calls and was pleasantly surprised who called. It is nice to be remembered. My cell phone is going south on me, but Vicky managed to get a message thru, she sang Happy Birthday to me while holding a can of Coors Light, a very tender moment. We went to our newest Friday night haunt, Felipe's, and everybody showed up, except the Frears - Debbie is sick again. Tim came and Jamie's parents, Gary and Shira, my brother Robin, Susan, Corey and Adam were also there. It was so nice. We kinda took over the middle of the back room. Colleen brought a cake, Vicky brought a cake, and Rick had Erik and Jamie go and get a cake!! Yes, we had cake and it was ALL very good. What I am so excited about is, Colleen gave me a Big City Slider Station for my birthday. I LOVE sliders and can't wait to get to the store to get ingredients for making sliders. Guess what we are having soon?? Vicky is coming next week and we are going to go to this fabric store that she has been telling me about. It will probably become my new obsession. I can't wait to go. Today I am going to try and get to Corey's baseball game. He is such a great player. Well, I better go and make up my list for the grocery store and the faric store. I also need to sort out what I have already for the shower for Erik and Jamie. I wonder if they would like sliders for the shower??? Hmmmmmmmm

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