Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th

Well, today is the 4th of July. We are going over to Jerry's house. He has a full on view of the fireworks show from somewhere and we are going to bbq there. I am REALLY worried about Payton. After I went to bed I could hear the boom, boom, boom and I looked out my bedroom window and I could see aerial fireworks and Payton was going crazy. Hopefully the fact that she can come in the house will help and she will just go hide somewhere and not fly over the fence looking for me. Last night was great!!! Erik, Jamie, Alex, Jamie, Aiden, Gary and Shira joined the rest of the usual suspects at Felipe's. I was so happy. We have 2 weeks to the day before Tyler's wedding. He called me last night to tell me that they are doing the table seating arrangements, I was hoping that I would be able to help with that, but I guess not. I got my dress, very plain and I will be able to wear it again anywhere. Well, I am going to go and make a couple of desserts that I have never made before. This is the good thing about family gatherings, I have testers!!!

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