Monday, February 4, 2008


Well, I finally got the right card and wasn't able to use it until today. Apparently, the brainiac at the bank canceled the bank card when she ordered the debit card. She also deleted my PIN number. That meant that I couldn't activate the card because you need a PIN number to use an ATM and since the card came 5 minutes after the bank closed on Saturday, I was SOL. But the wekend wasn't a total loss. At the super bowl party I won some money, not much, in the pool. I put it away to help pay for the bouncer and other stuff for the Easter party. Rick had to pay for my squares. I guess it is true, you do win on borrowed money. Word to the wise, DO NOT watch The Wicker Man with Nicholas Cage, good movie but the ending SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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