Thursday, February 7, 2008

Simple Things

Last night Rick went on his weekly run to Walmart for dvd's and came home with a new phone set-up. I am so happy!!!! I have been using Tyler's old cordless, and it is sure a sign of the times, but I hated not having caller ID. This one has a base phone with an answering machine and two others that only need a wall plug to work. I haven't had a phone in the kitchen in forever. See, simple things for simple minds. This weekend, Rick is SUPPOSED to take up the rest of the bamboo flooring and take it all back to Home Depot. It is sure pretty to look at, but I have hated it from the beginning. He and Erik have decided to put something in that is better for the amount of traffic that we have traveling thru the house. I even told him don't bother to put it in the living room, I want carpet. Now, let's start the clock. Easter is on March 23rd this year, any bets on what may not get done in time??? I am so jazzed for everybody to see my new kitchen, I LOVE IT. Geez, new kitchen, new floors, new phone, what's next, grass in the back??? (it is all dirt again right now). As long as it doesn't rain, I can wait until after the party to re-sod the back, I would rather it had time to get good and set and 4 weeks isn't going to do it. I am going to TRY and get some sort of plants in the front so that it at least looks like some lives here for once. I hope I can find one of those roll-out pads that has flower seeds in it. I am sooooo lazy.

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