Monday, July 28, 2008

Got Tomatoes?

My next door neighbor Eddie came over with a bag full of home grown tomatoes. This is the second bagfull in 5 days. He has a garden in his backyard, lucky me!! We love getting the tomatoes, BLT's forever. When he came and dropped the tomatoes off, he was telling me about what his winter crop will be. I told him I am going to rename him Eddie Joe Bob. His wife Barbara is the one we all need to pray for, Kaiser sucks!! I had an OK weekend, I at least got to see Aiden for a few hours. Yesterday, Erik BBQ'd burgers, turkey ones for Rick and real meat for the rest of us, nothing better!! Jamie and I tried to get a list going for the shower, we are still waiting to see who is coming, I think that will help a lot. We know what we are having for the main course, what salads I am making, and of course the drinks (beer and more beer). Jamie B., at least the only one for the time being, is printing stuff for fans. I figure it is going to be HOT HOT HOT, so a fan would be a good party favor. It seemed so far away last week, now it is crunch time. I hate not having things settled. I have to reign in on myself because not everybody has tons of time on their hands. I can very easily be quite annoying. Quit nodding your head yes!!!! I am waiting for the lady from the food program that I HAVE to be involved in because I am licensed by the state, to call. She apparently came by while I had the kids at the Splash Pad in Chino and left me a form stating that I will be getting a "Letter of Warning!!" I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOO shaking. I thought I only had to call and notify them when I was going to be gone during a meal time. Well, I guess I have to call them when I leave at all. They make you jump thru hoops for a few bucks a month, stupid. I called this morning to talk to P. Bond, but she wasn't in. I really don't thnk I helped my cause when I asked the director of the program when the cameras were going to be installed. Well, I have to go and try to sneak some water into Paytons little pool out front, heaven forbid I leave!!!

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