Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I Didn't Know This

Well, I learned something about gift registry's that I had no clue about. Jamie told me that when you put something on your registry and you don't get it, the store will sell it to you with a discount. I never knew this. I have been going to gift registry's for years to get gifts. All this time I am thinking, "Shit that is an expensive gift to put on a registry! Who do they think they are?" Now I know. Jamie said that they put stuff on, like furniture, because it is what they want to eventually get, great idea. I am so behind the times!!! I think back now at some conversations and I am sure people who knew about this are still thinking, poor Marge, she is clueless!!! Now when I see the $600 stroller on a registry I will know the reason behind it. To my friends, next time I have a brain fart, please help me out!!!

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