Thursday, July 24, 2008

This Must Be The Year

Yep, this is the year of conflicts. Here I sit week after week with absolutely crap to do, except Taco Tuesday and Tony's on Fridays, and 4 big events are coming up and there is 2 of each of them scheduled for the same day. On August 17th, myself and the Jamie's are hosting the family wedding shower for Christianne and Oliver. That very same day, Brad and Drea are having Anna Mae baptized. Both very important days for 2 people everybody adores. Then on October 11th, Christianne and Oliver are getting married YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is also the day that Rick's 40th class reunion has been scheduled, not so important. This reminds me of the days when the boys were all in soccer and all of us moms would get together with calendars and plan birthdays, etc. The high school graduations were a panic. I always took the weekend before the graduations and then we would schedule the rest on the following weekends. Lots of fun. I sure miss those days. Well, it is Friday tomorow, so I will be a happy camper, like it matters.

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