Thursday, August 14, 2008

Absolutely Horrible!!!!!!

Let me start out with PLEASE PLEASE include my neighbor Barbara in your prayers. Yesterday, she got the devestating news that she has 1 year to live. How can a person deal with that kind of news?? I am so angry with the way her treatment was done, or not done. It is easy for me to be angry, I am not the one who is in the predicament. Eddie is upset that they put all their trust into this doctor she has and it is gone crap on them. A while back Barbara was told that the chemo was not working and they would have to do some radical surgery. OK, that is what is needed, so she was OK with it. I thought that it was only 6 or 7 weeks that Kaiser waited to do the surgery, it was 12!!!!! That is so totally beyond comprehension!!!!!!! They are killing her. I had told them about Oasis of Hope in the very beginning, but the doctor convinced them that she knew what she was doing and could help Barbara. NOT TRUE LADY!! I told Barbara's daughter that they have a raving malpractice suit available, but that doesn't change the fact that she is in the state she is in now. To wait 6 days would have been stupid, but 12 WEEKS!! I hope that Oasis can help her now, and I pray for her several times a day. Would you please do the same?? Just a simple, Lord get Barbara thru this, would help. I know that Kaiser has been good for other people, but not this time, they blew it and it may cost a good person her life.

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