Saturday, August 30, 2008

Summer Is Gone!!

Well, summer may be over as to the school calendar, but it is still sweltering here. Yesterday was absolutely miserable!!! There has been not much going on this past week. I got some good news and then some not so good. The not so good is that a very dear friend of mine FINALLY told me that she has been having health issues, I am so very upset by this. I will not give her name because she has asked me not to say anything. But, I am praying for her. The good news is that Tyler got his transfer to Chino Hills. He will get his schedule on Sept. 5th from the Chino Hills station and will continue to work Big Bear until he starts here. He has been using Shelley's car to drive back and forth for a couple of weeks, so it will be good for him to be here. Vicky and Greg got a new house. It is the best looking fixer-upper I have ever seen!! I haven't seen the inside, which Vicky says is a disaster, but from the outside it looks gorgeous! Vicky had plans for this house from the day she saw it. If it all works out, her son Brock and his family will be moving into a house a mile away. Vicky already has plans for a nursery in her new house. I am so looking forward to school starting, I like having a schedule, I am too unorganized otherwise. There will be a couple of mornings a week that I will have no one here, unless I get a new kid, and I can't wait to go to the store BY MYSELF!! Well, even though it is only 8:45 am, I need to go and turn the air on, the humidity is getting BAD. See you all soon

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